Get to know the Liberal Democrat candidate: Sunny Virk

"There's a better way" says Liberal Democrat WMCA Mayor candidate Sunny Virk, who has been putting in some strong performances on the campaign trail.
Sunny is a family man, a gentleman and and all round good person. He lives with his wife, son and golden retriever, and is proud to have been born and raised in the West Midlands.
"I attended state school in the West Midlands and later studied law in London. After graduating I spent time working in the capital bebore coming back here to raise my family. I now practice as a barrister and mediator in our legal industry."
Naturally warm, Sunny is good at listening to people, and he cares about the things that most people care about: "Most people want to have good work that pays fairly, a roof over their head, a transport system that delivers, and good quality education for themselves and their families. It's not too much to ask."
When asked about the catastrophic failings at Birmingham City Council, Sunny said "People in Birmingham have had a double whammy. The Conservative Government have let them down badly, and Birmingham Labour's terrible mis-management of council finances shows that they cannot be trusted."
"Birmingham Labour will try their hardest to blame Government failings, but the Equal Pay fiasco and the botched implementation of the Oracle IT system are the two things that have caused huge financial pain for Birmingham, and both of those are the fault of the current administration."
When it comes to the West Midlands Combined Authority, It's clear that Sunny believes in working hard to solve problems:
"I have built my personal reputation on integrity, hard work and delivering workable solutions. I have served the public and my clients throughout my career faithfully and honestly; and now look to bring those same values to the Mayoral role.
"The next West Midlands Mayor has to be somebody who can work cross party with both Labour and Conservatives whether on a local or national level."
In summarising his message to the electorate, Sunny said:
"Both Labour and Conservatives have failed you. Labour have caused huge financial problems for the city, and nationally they were responsible for the financial disaster of 2010."
"The Conservatives have brought you PPE scandals; Party Gate, sky high inflation, high taxes and ever rising costs backed up by questionable donors."
"I urge voters to find a better way. Voting Liberal Democrat can break this vicious cycle of a two party choice. The Lib Dem have recently won Parliamentary By Elections in Tiverton and Honiton, North Shropshire and Somerton and Frome."
"The Liberal Democrats offer value led politics. We seek to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the values of liberty, equality and community. We believe in a greener, brighter future."
Sunny Virk will be your Liberal Democrat candidate on your ballot paper this Thursday 2nd May.