I'm going to fight like a bengal tiger - says John Sweeney

Flanked by a crowd and armed with a megaphone, John Sweeney took over Sutton Coldfield at high noon today to announce his candidacy. Here’s what he had to say:
When I meet Sir Andrew Mitchell, the Tory MP for Sutton Coldfield, I’m going to say: “Get your trousers on, you’re nicked.” A cracking line from The Sweeney but he and his Conservative Party have let the country down.
The Tories have given up on the rule of law for the rule of money. They’ve blown too much of our taxes on dodgy COVID contracts, stuffed the sub-postmasters and turned our rivers into open sewers.
Enough already.
As a face well known to the public through my BBC Panorama films on Scientology, Vladimir Putin and, in 2015, the Post Office scandal, I want to work with the great people of Sutton Coldfield to give Sir Andrew a taste of democracy. He’s been the MP for 23 years. One party regimes are never good.
It’s time for a change.
I’m going to fight like a Bengal tiger for Royal Sutton Coldfield, to:
Brexit was beyond foolish. It clobbered the pound, unglued our alliances and made our tyrant enemies laugh at us. We need to be back in the EU.
The dictators are on the front foot. In Ukraine my brave friends on the frontline are in trouble. We have to spend more on defence or learn Russian, fast. I’m a Paddy Ashdown Liberal Democrat. OK, I’m not a trained killer. But I’m up for a fight against fascism.
We must spend more money on the NHS, on schools, on clean rivers, on the disabled, on looking after the ordinary, extraordinary people who haven’t done so well in life. And poor kids are starving. We need to fix that.
The rich don’t pay their fair share of tax. I shall campaign for house-owning companies to declare the Ultimate Beneficial Owner: an UBO law; to scrap leaseholds; to help more young people get on the house-owning ladder.
But being prudent with other people’s money matters. Labour has failed at Birmingham City Council. And another thing: the one book I remember reading from cover to cover at university is “On Liberty” by John Stuart Mill. I worry that the Labour Left don’t get individual liberty. Shame on them.
That said, the Tories have failed at Westminster. Our freedoms are restricted, the pound has tanked and the people in the big yachts are a bigger threat than those in the small boats.
Democracy allows you a third option.
Sir Andrew Mitchell voted along with “Boris Truss” and he helped tip the country into a deep hole. He and I have both been to Rwanda. It’s a fascist state and he’s not telling our people that. Sutton Coldfield and Rwanda have had the same political leader for this Millenium.
Rwandans don’t have a free vote.
You do.
With your help, let’s turn Sutton Coldfield Liberal Democrat.
Call The Sweeney and do that now!